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VIP Protection Services

Our list of clients includes governors, professional athletes and military personnel. Our clients are surrounded by the best protection available. These important people will be protected by RS Executive Protection with a plan and the experience to match.

Our VIP Protection Services can travel throughout the United States.

Responsibilities of our VIP Protection Services consist mainly of a detailed advance, pre-searching hotel rooms and VIP rooms, VIP bungalow and cabanas pool parties and any buildings where the client will be visiting. In some cases, we research the background of people that will have contact with the VIP.

Rest assured, our VIP Protection services have the expertise and the ability to insure your safety and the safety of your family or associates regardless of the environment. Our primary concern is to insure our client remains out of ‘harm’s way.’ We train and practice the concepts of avoidance techniques. Our goal is to not be confrontational.

Part of our typical VIP protection process we perform:

  • Proper and thorough Advance

  • On-site security evaluations

  • Establish protocols detailing security needs

  • Contact law enforcement agencies

  • Contact event or security staff

We guarantee confidentiality to our  VIP clients. All contact between RS Executive Protection and our clients will remain discreet and we will meet every request for maintaining your anonymity. Each member of our team undergoes extensive screening and background checks before we assign them to any of our clients to assure your safety and peace of mind. We provide VIP protection specialists, not just minimally trained bodyguards. Our agents’ training is similar to the US Secret Service and State Police Dignitary training units.

VIPs can learn to reduce their chance of becoming a victim by making themselves less vulnerable. Our VIP Protection services offers information leading to risk mitigation and tips to keep you, your family and property safe. Contact us for more information.

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